Sunday, July 11, 2010

  • Sunday service was awesome. Pastor Tui preached with such a passion, encouraging us to remain in unity because where there is unity God commands a blessing. It was great to be reminded that we all play a part in fulfilling the great commission, whether its out in the fields or inside the church.

  • Radini Kini shared a wonderful testimony about Pastor Meli growing up, which brought tears to many of the congregation.
  • New members joining Diversity Church after the launch. Praise be to God
  • Last but not least,
  • Have a blessed week everyone, and remember Jesus Loves you

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Alisi And Sue enjoying the day PLEASE ENJOY ,

Great company

What fantastic food.....

Family and friends...

Diversity Church launch 2010

Enjoyed by all age groups

Thank you for your support

Yumm,,, that cake looks great..

Some of the youth

Service with a smile.....

Everyone takes a seat...

Pastor Meli

Meet and great,,,

Welcome to our Launch....

Diversity Church Official Launch 4th July, 2010

Some members of Diversity Church worship team

Hello All,

Firstly we would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting Diversity Church. We were very excited to see so many familiar faces and new faces, your attendance was most appreciated.

The launch was such a great success, and it is only the beginning, we can only imagine how bright the future for Diversity Church in Brisbane will be.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Pastor Saimoni Waqa, Senior Pastor of Lautoka Fullgospel Tabernacle in Fiji, for his words of wisdom, encouragement and his inspirational message about the calling of the church. Church is not a financial institution nor is it a social club, it is God's Justice, God's Faithfullness, God's Saving power and God's kingdom. It changes the lives of people who walk into God's kingdom, and fills heaven and empties hell.

The service was followed by great food and fellowship, thoroughly enjoyed by all, with lots of different varieties of food to enjoy. Thank you to those who made this possible.

This very special day would not have been possible without the help of the existing church members and Pastor Meli and his family.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Launching of Diversity Church

Let us look forward to the launching of Diversity Church on the 4th of July this year at the Banyo Catholic University. This is an exciting time for us as a church, as we move forward to fulfill the great commission in this city of Brisbane, and the rest of the world. Your love for God and the people around you, will make diversity church dynamic and relevant, allowing the message of the gospel to change lives. Your willingness to be a part of this great move of God,will surely make the launch, and the future work ahead of us successful. To God be the glory!